Understanding Target Audiences: Crafting Personas for a Corporate Marketing Website

Garofalo UX
Garofalo UX Blog: Signature UX
2 min readApr 24, 2024


In the realm of user experience (UX) design, understanding your target audience is paramount to creating a website that resonates with customers and achieves business objectives. At Garofalo UX, we recognize the importance of crafting personas to tailor the corporate marketing website experience to different user segments.

Let’s delve into the three tiers of target audiences and explore their personas:

Primary Target Audiences:

  1. Prospective Customers: These are individuals or organizations who are potential buyers of the company’s products or services. They visit the website seeking information about offerings, pricing, and benefits. Understanding their needs, pain points, and preferences is crucial in designing an engaging and persuasive user experience.
  2. Existing Customers: This group comprises individuals or businesses who have already purchased products or services from the company. Their visit to the website may involve accessing support resources, exploring upgrades, or staying updated on new offerings. Providing seamless access to resources and enhancing post-purchase engagement is key.

Secondary Target Audiences:

Some common examples for this tier include:

  1. Investors / Shareholders: This group includes individuals or entities with financial interests in the company. They visit the website to access investor relations information, such as financial reports, stock performance, and corporate governance details. Transparency and credibility are paramount in catering to their informational needs.
  2. Suppliers: Suppliers are business partners who provide goods or services to the company. They may visit the website to access procurement processes, supplier guidelines, and collaboration opportunities. Streamlining communication and fostering mutually beneficial relationships are key objectives.

Tertiary Target Audiences:

Some common examples for this tier include:

  1. Press / Journalists: This group comprises media professionals who seek information for news articles, features, or interviews. Providing easily accessible press releases, media kits, and contact information fosters positive media coverage and enhances brand visibility.
  2. Researchers: Researchers include academics, analysts, or industry experts who seek in-depth information for studies, reports, or presentations. Offering comprehensive resources, case studies, and data insights positions the company as a thought leader and fosters collaboration opportunities.
  3. Careers / Hiring Candidates: Individuals seeking employment opportunities or information about company culture, values, and career growth prospects. Providing a seamless and informative careers section enhances employer branding and attracts top talent.

By delineating personas for primary, secondary, and tertiary target audiences, companies can tailor their corporate marketing website to meet diverse user needs and expectations. At Garofalo UX, we specialize in creating human-centric experiences that drive engagement, foster brand loyalty, and achieve business objectives.

About Garofalo UX

Garofalo UX (www.garofaloux.com) is a user experience (UX) strategy and creative problem-solving consulting agency helping organizations to create engaging and innovative experiences. User Experience as a Service (UXaaS). Proudly located in San Diego, California.



User Experience (UX) Strategy & Creative Problem-Solving consulting agency helping Enterprise & StartUp Tech companies create engaging & innovative experiences.