Elevating User Experience: Prioritizing Information in Web App Design

Garofalo UX
Garofalo UX Blog: Signature UX
3 min readApr 30, 2024


In the realm of web application design, user experience (UX) plays a pivotal role in determining the success and effectiveness of a digital product. One fundamental aspect of UX design is the presentation of information, particularly when it comes to displaying name-value pairs of information. At Garofalo UX, we advocate for a user-centric approach that prioritizes the value or information over the accompanying labels or names. Let’s explore how emphasizing the content can enhance the usability and effectiveness of a web app.

Shifting Focus to Value-Oriented Design

Traditional design approaches often prioritize the visual hierarchy of labels or names, relegating the actual information or value to a secondary position. However, in a value-oriented design approach, the emphasis is placed on the content itself, ensuring that users can quickly access and comprehend the relevant information without unnecessary cognitive load.

Benefits of Emphasizing Information

1. Improved Readability and Comprehension: By highlighting the value or information, users can easily scan and absorb key details without being distracted by extraneous labels. This enhances readability and comprehension, leading to a more efficient user experience.

2. Faster Task Completion: When users can quickly locate and understand the information they need, task completion becomes faster and more intuitive. Emphasizing the value streamlines user interactions, reducing friction and enhancing overall usability.

3. Enhanced Accessibility: Emphasizing the information benefits users with varying levels of cognitive abilities and visual impairments. Clear and prominent presentation of value ensures inclusivity and accessibility for all users, regardless of their individual needs.

4. Reduced Cognitive Load: Minimizing the cognitive load associated with processing labels allows users to focus their attention on understanding the content itself. This reduces mental effort and cognitive strain, leading to a more pleasant and efficient user experience.

Best Practices for Designing Name-Value Pairs

1. Visual Hierarchy: Use visual cues such as typography, color, and spacing to create a clear hierarchy that directs users’ attention to the value or information. Ensure that the value stands out prominently while maintaining visual harmony with the overall design.

2. Concise and Descriptive Labels: While the emphasis is on the value, labels still play a crucial role in providing context and clarity. Use concise and descriptive labels that succinctly convey the meaning or significance of the accompanying information.

3. Whitespace and Layout: Utilize whitespace strategically to create separation between name-value pairs and facilitate readability. Optimize the layout to ensure that information is presented in a logical and intuitive manner, enhancing the flow of user interactions.

4. Usability Research: Conduct usability research and gather measurable feedback to validate the effectiveness of your design approach. Iteratively refine the presentation of name-value pairs based on user insights and preferences, ensuring continuous improvement and optimization.

Prioritizing the information over the labels in web app design is a fundamental principle of user-centric UX design. By emphasizing the value and streamlining the presentation of name-value pairs, designers can enhance readability, usability, and accessibility, ultimately delivering a more engaging and effective user experience. At Garofalo UX, we’re dedicated to crafting user-centric designs that prioritize the needs and preferences of users, ensuring optimal usability and satisfaction.

About Garofalo UX

Garofalo UX (www.garofaloux.com) is a user experience (UX) strategy and creative problem-solving consulting agency helping organizations to create engaging and innovative experiences. User Experience as a Service (UXaaS). Proudly located in San Diego, California.



User Experience (UX) Strategy & Creative Problem-Solving consulting agency helping Enterprise & StartUp Tech companies create engaging & innovative experiences.